Nadav Dagon
18 november 2019
NaamNadav Da Gon
Functie9 × percussionist
HerkomstIsraël 🇮🇱


Nadav Dagon, a Drumtek musician and producer, performing a dynamic live techno set during a hypnotizing 360 degrees show. By only playing the drums with a set of samplers, he creates an endless playground filled with sound, electronics and delicious bass.

Nadav Dagon, spending his childhood in the green township of Kibbutz Beit-Oren, located on the top of the Carmel Mountain, Nadav is used to living in an open and loving community- full of freedom, nature were music was a big part of his daily life.

His deeper relationship with music started when he turned 16 years old and he started to play in professional bands, entering the nightlife scene of Israel. With a percussionist father and a musical family - the drums were there all the time. The connection with electronic music was integral and took him into all the bigger productions in this genre in Israel like Madboojah Project, ZO13, TribeaT, Onogana, Reflections and others.

Uitgaansagenda Nadav Dagon

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 30 december 2023: The Gardens of Babylon, WesterUnie, Amsterdam


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