4 maart 2018
NaamLuuk Ockeloen
Functie7 × DJ
HerkomstNederland Nederland
AffiliatieExile Events


Introducing the Chronicman. He will mix you the fattest joints.

But his high quality A grade acapulco gold won't make you sleepy. This stuff will make you go harder and faster than ever before. The perfect stuff to keep you on and off your feet for the last couple of hours of the night. This stuff is being developed with love and care and contains the finest blend of Drum & Bass and Hardcore. That is why this sinsemilla is also known as Mary Jane on crack.

You can recognize him by his hairless head because his hair has been blown away by all the decibels in his life. His walk-in closet contains more than 420 Australian tracksuits. He's like a ghost from the golden days of the rave era that has come to teach us a thing or two about rave fundamentals.

Uitgaansagenda Chronicman

Laatste optreden was op zaterdag 12 oktober 2019: Exile Invites Prspct, Brebl, Nijmegen


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7·in het verleden
1·foto tijdens optreden
geenstemresultaat (0.5591 stem)

soundcloud Recente muziek

16 juli 2019
Foto's, Exile, 15 juli 2019, Brebl, Nijmegen